Email Therapy.
Access mental health support from anywhere with the power of writing.

Engage the power of reflective writing and therapy. Email therapy is a different way to do therapy. It is an opportunity to take a deep dive into who you are and what’s been on your mind. It’s a slower, more reflective process.

Read below to learn more about its benefits and whether email therapy is for you.

amber rose couselling therapist counsellor telehealth therapy online therapy email therapy session woman sitting on floor in session with counsellor for her mental health

Here are 7 reasons email therapy might work for you.

  1. You struggle to express yourself verbally.

  2. You enjoy writing and journaling.

  3. You’ve done talk therapy before and want to try something new. 

  4. You sometimes struggle with speech, conversational and social cues or body language.

  5. You have trauma that you want to share but don’t feel ready to speak about it. Writing may feel safe for you right now. 

  6. You are not constrained by a one-hour time window. 

  7. Studies show that therapeutic writing is effective.

Who is email therapy for?

an older woman typing email therapy to amber barry at amber rose counselling for support on stepping outside her identity as mum and into something more meaningful and authentic to her story

How does it work?

Email therapy with a trained and accredited counsellor is accessible and easy. You will need access to an email account and time to write your email. You can access this service from anywhere in Australia and the world.

What happens next?

1. Book your session and pay using my online calendar to find a day that suits you. I ask you to stay committed to a particular day so that our sessions are routine and you are creating intentional space in your life for therapeutic writing.

2. I will send you an email therapy agreement and consent form that you will need to send back to me before our first email session.

3. Once I receive your email I will carefully and thoughtfully consider it. I will spend a full 60-minutes reading your words and writing my reply.

4. You might choose to engage in multiple sessions, or just one.