21 Mindful Journal Prompts for Self Discovery.
Journaling has been proven to be a useful way to relieve stress and anxiety. Use these mindful journal prompts to carve out some time that is just yours. You will get to know yourself a little better and improve your mental wellbeing.
These prompts are designed to enhance your self-knowledge and to help you practice mindfulness. Do these in a journal, on your phone, as voice recordings, as drawings, or mental reflections. Whatever feels right for you.
1. Simply write about what you notice around you. The colours, textures, objects. Describe the place you’re in. Notice small details. Notice smells, tastes, sensations.
2. What emotions are happening in you right now? Notice these without judgement, just curiosity.
3. What would I like to have happen today?
4. What’s an old belief, or story, that is showing up in me today. How does this belief/story match up with what’s happening in the present and what I know about myself today?
5. What’s one thing today that I can do that will bring me joy.
6. If I had to pick myself out of a crowd, how would I recognise her? What would she be wearing, doing, saying? What energy would she be giving off? What things would she be interested in?
7. What’s an example of a time when I thought I couldn’t overcome a challenge, but I did. What did I learn from that?
8. What sort of people lift me up and energise me? What sort of people leave me feeling drained?
9. I am most calm and content when…
10. Stop and notice what is happening in your body. Aches, sensations, all of it. What is your body trying to tell you?
11. Is there something in my life or a part of me that deserves some self-love and self-compassion?
12. What’s if feel like for you to be alone? What’s it feel like for you to be surrounded by people?
13. The top three things I notice in my body right now are…
14. What’s one thing I could be more open-minded about?
15. How do I know I am taking care of myself? How do I know I am neglecting myself?
16. Close your eyes. Write about what you hear.
17. I am grateful for this one thing right now.
18. List three things that are out of your control. List three things that are in your control.
19. Something I need to hear today is…
20. One thing that I can do to soothe myself is…
21. I feel most like me when I do these three things.